Friday, March 27, 2009

Life and work

Well not sure where to start, I should write more often. I will start on a good note I suppose....I finally have my drivers liscence lol 37 years old and I just now have it. Which is great because now I can drive the car I bought three days before the break that started all this ;) I am loving the freedom and confidence that has come with that it's been awesome.

On a work note, we are talking about the return to work program, but wcb is cutting my physio down seems like once I am full time they will not allow the physio anymore, but I could be wrong on that. I hope not I will have to contact a workers advocate because there is so much more involved. Like once I am back at work, what about my hand wich still does not function normally? Or the crps and medications/treatments involved? I am so confused but trying not to stress to much and am coping okay so far (most of the time lol) I have started having panick attacks again though. This is something that I used to suffer from years ago but I have been free of. It's okay though I know it's temporary and just as a result of all the unanswered questions soooo, I can handle it. ;)

Well a new and unrelated (mostly) issue that has come bottom front teeth decided to break a bit in the back so now I have a wicked toothache and due to the wonderful teeth grinding I do when sleeping (stressed times mostly) the one stupid tooth is really loose, the other only a tad. Soooo now I wonder, are there special treatment precautions or concerns when it comes to dental treatments and being a crps patient???? I need to get this looked at a.s.a.p I'm convinced that with the tooth grind going on I will knock out my own darn tooth!!!! Can you just imagine? omg lol I laugh so I don't cry or yell because there is nothing else I can do at this point....

Anyway my kids are great, my eldest just went and got a tattoo on each inner wrist, one says strength the other, survival. I am so proud of her, not for the tattoo lol but because she is really working to turn herself around and that's fantastic. She is also seeing a doc for the first time in years, and although she is not happy about it she is still going and that's aot for her to do. My eldest son is back to working my job right now (how ironic eh). I did tell him he is not allowed to break any bones! My youngest daughter is in kindergarten and learning to read, it's alot of fun to read with her at night! My youngest little man is just happy most of the time lol In the long and short of things I guess.

Anywho I cannot seem to keep my eyes open here so I guess that's all she wrote (so to speak roflmao).........hugs n best wishes.......

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are very strong to be going back to work and battling with CRPS at the same time, it's so difficult to do anything with this monster on our back!

    I have been wondering about the dental thing too...I need a couple of fillings and my wisdom teeth removed but the last time I went to the dentis a week later my jaw dislocated and spread the CRPS to my face! I'm a little scared to go back...I'll have to eventually...sigh...



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