Monday, February 9, 2009

Better days what a roller coaster...

Well today is a better day mentally, however pain wise I cannot say the same. My arm is aching so bad right into the bicep now.... :(

I am lucky in the fact that at least I made it through today. It was crazy icy outside, hazarously walked my kids to daycare, then myself home. I ended up just going back ten minutes later. It was a sheer ice rink outside. However my poor little man slept funny last night or something and just couldn't make it to play he was hurting to much. It was kind of nice for me though to get to spend some time with just him, that doesn't happen much as a single mom. Spending one on one time per kid you know. Wish it did, and I'm sure I'll make it happen. ;) As I've said before I am pretty stubborn lol

I am sooo tired tonight, exhausted from the fight today I think. What fight? Well just the one I spend on a day to day basis with the pain. I fight to be able to do the things that I used to take for granted. For example today I am feeling lucky to have been able to sit and enjoy my son. I am thankful for that. I was able to go to the store, not without help, but shopping was done (thank you Ron) I was able to tuck my babes in and kiss them goodnight. I am thankful.

Days like today are rare; a calm balance between the pain and normal life. Hard to achieve but very nice to enjoy. I am tired now and hurting (of course) so will say goodnight for now. Nothing else new. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. Hi TigerLily!
    My name is Pablo, from Texas and I also was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS almost three years ago following a surgery to my left foot that was supposed to heal in less than three months. The pain for me has gotten extremely worse since it started and like you it only spreads up to my upper thigh and I also cannot bare the slightest touch to the affected area. I have a Pain Management Specialist that tries to help me through the pain but so far all the procedures I have tried have been unsuccessful in reducing any amount of pain. It is really hard because before this pain, almost three years ago, I was a U.S. Army Infatry Paratrooper full of energy and able to run 20 plus miles on any given day and today I am unable to walk at all and rely on my mobility scooter which I am still trying to get used to. This horrible disability has been so depressing to me because of all that I have lost but with the support of my wife, we try dealing with it as much as we can. There is one more procedure my PMS is shooting for but like the ones we have tried before, it is very radical and the risks could possibly not be worth it. Because of all the severe pain that I have encountered and all that has been taken from me, I have also dealt with a great deal of depression and am now going to group therapy where I discuss my issues and listen to others with pain conditions like ours and it has really been inspiring to see the many other individuals like us that are able to deal with all the losses and still try and have a high quality of life. I pray that one day I am no longer imbarressed of not being able to walk and having to rely on the scooter and pray that my condition goes into remission, but for now I mostly just pray that I am able to look past all this and still be a good husband to my very supportive wife. I wanted to ask you if you to are recieving the help you need from a PMS? And if so have you tried any kind of injections or any other procedures yet? Sadly the only things that do help in reducing the slightest amount of pain for me are extremely strong pain meds: Methadone, Fentanyl, and Gabapentin; and the latest for depression: Cymbalta. It doesn't help as much as I would like since I am still in agony all day but without these meds I do not know how I would survive. Oh yeah one more thing, every doctor has told me that we need to use our affected limb as much as possible and exercise is crucial. This for me is also a problem since everything causes more pain, even trying to rest my foot on the floor; so my left leg is so much weaker and smaller than my right due to muscle atrophy. I wish you the best and will say a prayer that you stay strong for your kids especially. God Bless, and keep trying to fight the pain!


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